Welcome to my blog…
Jonathan Here
About Me
I my name is Jonathan, I was born in the UK, and my journey has been anything but ordinary. Losing my mother at just 4 years old shaped my life, leading me to grapple with mental health challenges like depression and anxiety. Social situations can be daunting for me; I often talk incessantly—a reflection of my nerves—or I become completely frozen, my body stiffening while spasms ripple through my neck. In those moments, the urge to escape is powerful; I dread embarrassing myself. Despite these struggles, I have always found solace in sports. Rugby, cricket, football, squash, swimming, sailing, boxing, skiing, and surfing—these activities have been my refuge in the past. I also have a passion for cooking and anything related to IT.Read More…
My experiences extend to seven years in Brazil, where the cannabis laws underwent significant changes just last year. Witnessing various approaches in practice has reshaped my understanding. Who remembers “JUST SAY NO”? Through my observations, it’s clear that education is a far more effective tool than ignorance. Prevention and prohibition often fuel crime, violence, and the exploitation of school children. Innocent lives are lost while criminals thrive on black market profits. Decriminalization fosters peace, allowing underprivileged individuals to earn some extra income. However, I have reservations about full legalization; I fear that it simply replaces one set of criminals with another as big pharma and tobacco companies seize control.
Upon returning to the UK, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that medical cannabis is legal here—a reality I never expected to witness. Now accessing medical cannabis has introduced me to the benefits of dry herb vaporizers! This development is nothing short of revolutionary. I ceased smoking cannabis when I quit smoking tobacco, having primarily used hash and flower before. Vaporizers eliminate tobacco, unpleasant odours, and the dangers of heavy breathing while ensuring no addictive tendencies arise. With a vaporizer, the scent dissipates quickly and doesn’t linger, not even on clothes, and it won’t trigger smoke alarms. If you haven’t yet experienced the transformative potential of a vaporizer, I encourage you to explore my upcoming blogs or search on YouTube. Prioritize your health; you have only one life and one body to care for.
Ultimately, no solution is without its flaws. Yes, cannabis can pose risks—especially for those with psychosis or other mental health issues. This highlights the importance of medical use, as access requires professional guidance, preventing potential life-altering mistakes. The growing list of ailments cannabis can effectively treat, coupled with the accumulating medical evidence, challenges the misconceptions rooted in the dark ages since Reagan’s time. The antidrug sentiment traces back to Roman times, where cannabis was prevalent in the East and Africa while the Roman Empire favoured wine, and the North indulged in beer, mushrooms, and later vodka.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I invite you to engage further, explore my blogs, and check out my invention, the ICE TUBE!

Carts What are they and could they be a big problem in the making ?
What is a Cart ? Is a e cigarette or vape with cannabis isolate ( 100% pure THC crystals) added to the vape, They can be up to 200x stronger than any other and smells and tastes like any other vape. People how I have talked to how have used them ended up not so well. Once you try one your tolerance levels are of the chart you become immune to the effects of THC in any other form. It offended ends up creating independence and break down at some point. I am able to get them on prescription have been tempted but after some reading and talking I have come to the concussion that I will not be trying one any time soon.
Wonderful wacky world
Spreading the love Something for everyone.

who am I ?
My name is Jonathan and I have been interested for many years in cannabis.About how it can help people. Like all things with knowledge we make better informed decisions about what we consume how we consume and what we decide not to consume. I hope you will join me on this fascinating subject.

Medical Cannabis Dry Herb Vaporisers.
I am amazed at how few people know what a Dry Herb Vaporiser is, So I though this is a great place to start, I will take you through the how dry vape A to Z How they work, How safe are they, Are they any good, how much do they cost and do they real work out cheaper and heather to use ?
All this and much much more…

Dry herb Vaporiser Accessories.
Ok so if this is where your at, then you know how good a Dry Herb Vaporiser is. The good new is that you can now get a 14mm water tool adapter for just about every DHV, This will let you attach your DHV to a Bong or a Bubbler type invention but best of all the ICE TUEB attaches to a 14mm water tool adapter and if you have Storez & Bicle Venty you can also get the best 14mm water tool adapter. There are just so many things to try and I thinks i have tried most but I have still not got a Volcano
a Quest for Knowledge!
From Ancient China Cannabis Sativa on to India Cannabis Indica and then on to the rest of the world, One of the first cultivated plants by humans for fibre and nutrition it is argued that THC was increased over the years by selective breeding and was a big part of many religions. and on till the modern day or not so modern, We as humans have had more exposure to this plant over the cause of history than most plant and some governments still don’t know if it is safe to use or not.
I have to be honest I am completely sold on the STORZ & BICKEL product range. i am absolutely up for the challenge convince me I am wrong. Also I can not say that I have try very many enough to convince me of my choice and have not been disappointed. If you read on I will demonstrate how it is cheaper to buy an expensive vaporiser and consume any other way, If you disagree I will reveal the best kept secret you just have to know.
There are so many and I have had so much fun trying them out Bongs Ice bongs bubbles glass beads mixing with garden herbs like mint or rosemary, Stands covers scoops Grinds and the list goes on and on ..
I will stat by trying to answer some basic questions and you can ask your questions and I will try to answer in the best way. Yes you could ask Chat GPT and you will get a politically correct answer depending on the AI. I try to get the majority opinion with data to back up any claims added to my own experience. So please dope me a line on my contact page.

THC, CBD & Terpenes?
CBD some times incorrectly called medical cannabis THC the stuff that all the fuss is about and poor overlooked Terpenes and what has Chocolate to do with all this? Charlottes web and many more innovations. The most important lesson of all is if you are going to consume THC you need a little CBD and drink lost of water and you will have a problem free time. Carts are I believe going to cause a problem as big as synthetic cannabis has.

Different Extracts, types and ways of Consumption methods.
The world of Cannabis consumption has exploded in the USA fully legal in some states have given rise to hole new products and ways to enjoy. You can eat an meal or take a few drops from a dropper bottle not all the same. Ointments and roll-ons, Teas and drinks tables. Isolate chat gas or solvent extracted oil like black tar, hash finger hash and water hash , and just pressed plant passed of as hash, Trichomes flower last but not least and approximately in the order of potencies. Carts my opinion stay well clear.
My First Client!
Ooh and the box its just crazy, so cool and closes with a magnet!

Contact Me
drop me a line it’s Free!
I would love to hear from you, I have learnt so much just talking to people. Tell me what is wrong or wright, what is new and old, what is in and out .Most importantly what do you know that I don’t ? let me know looking forward to your comments.